
「Ronnie Fieg(ロニー・ファイグ)」がオーナーを務めるNYのショップ「KITH(キス)」がロサンゼルスに新店舗を2018年2月16日にオープンすることが明らかになりました。



西には「2PAC」、東には「The Notorious B.I.G.」という今も語り継がれる対立のように、東海岸で育ったロニーは西海岸は未知の領域。年を重ねるにつれて世界を旅し、初めて2015年にLAでポップアップを開催することができた。そこで蒔いた種(手ごたえ)を今度は育て、花をどう咲かせるのか。その為にロサンゼルス出店を決意したようです。

「Ronnie Fieg(ロニー・ファイグ)」がオーナーを務めるアパレル&シューズショップ「KITH(キス)」と「LeBron Jam…



Growing up in Queens in the early to mid 90’s, the West Coast was unchartered territory. It was us vs them. LA had Pac and New York had Big. It seemed like both cities were the only ones that existed at the time. As I got older and was finally able to start traveling here, I began gaining more and more of an appreciation for it. It was the opposite of New York in terms of location and weather but was a place I was warming up to. In 2015 I began planting the seed when I brought Kith to LA for our first West Coast Pop-Up. I wanted to see how and if the people would interact with the brand. I was overwhelmed with the reaction. Since then we’ve done two more pop-ups in LA, and both successes were proof to me that we needed to be here. When thinking about Kith reaching the West Coast of this country it brings the feeling of accomplishment to a whole other level and keeps me going. The idea that I can touch people in other cities with what I do inspires me the most. Another dream and notch in the timeline comes to fruition this Friday when Kith permanently touches down in the City of Angels.

Ronnie Fiegさん(@ronniefieg)がシェアした投稿 –


